Responsible Gaming

Sports betting is an exciting and enjoyable form of entertainment loved by many adults around the world.

At Mybet, we are committed to supporting our players in maintaining a healthy and controlled betting experience. Our responsible gaming policy is considered part of the Mybet terms of service and is subject to periodic revisions.

Mybet's Commitment

To help our customers enjoy sports betting responsibly, Mybet offers a variety of tools and support.

Tools for Responsible Gaming

  • Deposit Limits: In the "Responsible Gaming" section of My Page, you can set deposit limits for specific periods. Setting these limits helps prevent you from depositing more than you initially planned.

  • Checking Your Spending: You can check your deposit and withdrawal history at any time in the "Transaction history" section of My Page.

  • Account Closure: If you feel that you are spending too much time or money on sports betting, or if you find it difficult to control your betting habits, please contact customer support to request account closure for a period of 1 day, 7 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or permanently.

For Adults Only

Mybet is not available to minors. Registration is not permitted for individuals who do not meet the legal age of majority as defined by the laws of the jurisdiction in which they reside (20 years or older for residents of Japan). If there is any suspicion that a customer is underage, we will suspend their account and request age verification documents. All funds in the account will be held until the verification process is complete.

Self-Assessment Test

When engaging in sports betting, do any of the following apply to you?

  • People around you say you spend too much time on gambling.

  • You sometimes use money for gambling that should be spent on other things.

  • You spend time gambling when you should be doing other things.

  • You borrow money to gamble.

  • You feel uneasy when you don't have the opportunity to gamble.

If you have any concerns about your gambling habits, we recommend taking a self-assessment test.

The self-assessment test is designed to detect early signs of risky gambling behavior. After taking the test, you will receive detailed feedback based on your answers, along with links to additional resources.

This test is conducted anonymously, and the information provided is securely recorded and not used for any purpose other than self-diagnosis.

When You Need Help

If you feel that your sports betting is interfering with your daily life, please contact our customer support. We will listen to your concerns and guide you on the available support options.

Additionally, Mybet recommends consulting the following specialized organizations:

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